Buy concert recordings

We try to record all gigs. However we keep the recordings only for a month. If you performed at the Wanch, please make sure you look for your recording ASAP. If you have trouble using this form or if you have issues with the downloaded file, please get in contact with us.

The recording is done using a Zoom H4n Pro Microphone above the stage and several webcams. If plan a performance at the Wanch and you have special requirements regarding a recording, you can talk to our sound engineer before your gig.

We are recording the videos in HEVC/h.256 codec. If you have sound but no picture, you likely need to download a codec pack for your operating system (see here for Windows). We generally recommend you use VideoLAN/VLC for viewing (any) videos

Please select the date your gig was recorded:
There is only one recording on 2025-02-06:

File name: 2025-02-06_21-20_22-22.mp4
Recording time: 21:20 until 22:22
File Size: 1.9 GB
Price: 500.- HKD
You will receive a download link via email after payment. The link will be active for 1 month.