H2 2024 Artists application Name of Band / Artist * Describe yourself and your music IN 6 WORDS OR LESS! * Note: We will use this description in H2 Festival marketing materials,so be as informative and creative as you can! Originals, Covers or Mixture? * Originals Covers Mixture When did you last play at the Wanch? What was the event? If you never played, why should this be your H2 year? * Back Line Requirements * eg. Drums, Guitar Amp, Bass Amp,Keyboard stand and amp, 2 mics Preferred H2 Playing days/times * The more flexible you are, the more likely you’ll get a slot! When are you NOT available? * The more flexible you are, the more likely you’ll get a slot! Contact Person * Contact Email * Contact Mobile Number * T-Shirt for each band member: How many of each size ? (Please assume western sizing) Mens Small Mens Medium Mens Large Mens Extra large Mens XXXL Ladies Extra Small Ladies Small Ladies Medium Ladies Large Ladies Extra Large Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ